During my Listening and Speaking class in pre-TESL program, our lecturer assigned us a task to do demonstration speech. I chose title self-defense for my demonstration speech. Here is my content in the demonstration:
What is Self-defense?
According to Longman Contemporary English Dictionary, self-defence is something you do to protect yourself or your property, or skills that you learn to protect yourself if you are attacked.
According to Wikipedia, Self-defence or self-defense is a countermeasure that involves defending
oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from physical harm.
Reasons Why You Should Learn Self- Defense Techniques:
v To defense yourself from sexual assault
v To defense yourself from bully
v To defense yourself from robbery
v Other form of crimes
Basic techniques:
ØSingle Forearm Block
Ø Low Block
Ø Rising Block
ØKnife Hand
ØFront Kick
ØSide Kick
ØTurning Kick
3 Different Situation to Apply Self-defense:
ü Defense against knife threat
ü Defense against punch or slap
ü Defense against kick
Example the video of tae-kwon-do (one of the martial arts that can teach self-defense)
During Literature class, i had to present short story title "Hills Like White Elephants". This is the synopsis of the story:
The story is about An American man and a woman having some beers while waiting for the train to Barcelona. As the couple drinks, the woman tells the man that the hills in the distance remind her of "white elephants.“This cause argument between them. Later, the man begins trying to convince the woman, Jig, to have an abortion, but only, he says, if she wants to. She wants to know if this will solve their problems, and get their relationship back on track. He tells her that their relationship is on track, but that he is distracted because of his "worry" over the pregnancy. She agrees to have the abortion, but says she is only agreeing because she no longer cares about herself. The man says she shouldn’t do it for that reason. Soon, the train has arrived and the man take the luggage before going back to the bar to finish the beer.
During my Syntax class, we have to strengthen our background grammar knowledge in order to understand Syntax better. Therefore, i had been given task to search about the difference between Preposition and Conjunction.
So what is the difference between Preposition and Conjunction?
Conjunction joins clauses, phrases, or words in a sentence. For example, " The dog ate the burger AND the cake" Meanwhile, Prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. For example, "The cat sat ON the table" " The dog was sitting BESIDE the couch"
So you see the difference? Well, this is one of the difference. There are more that you can find for yourself. ;)
During my Sociology of Education class, we were given the task to write about Reflective Writing. It is something related to main theory of sociology. This is my writing:
Everyday we hear on the television, billboard, radio, and so on about 1 Malaysia concept. How far we know about 1 Malaysia concept? What is the hidden meaning inside the slogan? Why the government emphasize the slogan“People First, Performance Now” in the workplaces, schools, and government administration system? This entire question can be answered when we focus to one of the major theory in sociology, which is Structural Functional Theory.
In Structural Functional Theory, there are several major institutions that made the society, which are family, religion, education, economics, politics and health. As the Structural Functional Theory stressed on the function of individual towards the society, every individual has his or her own function that makes the society become balance. To develop each function, we need one of the major institutions, which is education. Functionalist Durkheim stressed on education in society by emphasize “the importance of education in creating moral values as the foundation of society,”(Ballatine & Hammack, 2009). Therefore, to develop the spirit of 1 Malaysia, our education system has changed to become more national integration based activity.
Apart from that, Structural Functional Theory also stated that once a change in social institutions occurs, it would affect the other institutions. Hence, our government convey this ideology or concept through education in order wishing that it would affect other institutions to make our society become better than our situation before independent. However, there is institution that cannot be disturbed in our plural society, which is religion. Therefore, the government only target the 5 society’s institutions to be improved.
If we see one by one of the society institutions that we can relate to 1 Malaysia concept, for example institution of health. Everyone has their own special ability or skilled in certain field. When we cooperate, we can help each other. For the health perspective, we can help someone regarding his or her race or ethnics when they have health problem and so on. In addition, it would make a huge difference if the expert in medical do volunteer work to the rural area which minority of the ethnics there could not access to good facilities such as transport facility to get good health treatment. This action will improve health institution among our society.
The main purpose of 1 Malaysia concept is to gain national unity and tolerance in ethnics relation. The slogan, “People First, Performance Now” indicate that in order to have a country that stable in economy, politics and society, all races and ethnics need to integrate. When there is unity among the people, then action to enhance country’s development can be taken.
Besides that, every Malaysian citizen has their ownspecialities, however, they share the same goal that is to have stable and well-develop country. Therefore, by integration and cooperation, each individual can exchange ideas and skills to achieve the goal.
Other than that, according to Structural Functional Theory, societies are held together by shared values, common symbols or systems of exchanges. As we are in the same system and common symbols, government tries to courage our citizens to share values among each other. Besides make it balance, it is also make our society strong either physical or spiritual.
In conclusion, 1 Malaysia concept is good to be implement to the plural society. Therefore, every Malaysian citizens need to apply this concept in the everyday life.
Yes! i know almost everyone experience this...Procrastination is not uncommon word for people at any age..From children to adult..we always experience procrastination when we deal with our everyday tasks. That is why it becomes my group choice of topic for presentation in Counseling class last semester. What is Procrastination? According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, procrastination is the act to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually because you do not want to do it.
Skipping it
Procrastinators always delay the work that they have to do until they are skipping it. For example, when the room of a person is untidy, the person does not consider the importance to have a tidy room. Therefore, he tends to delay the clean task until he misses the time when he should do the clean task. However, he reassures himself that he can do it the next day and the things keep going on for the next day and after.
Doing it last
This is the way of procrastination for the compulsory task such as homework, assignments, projects, presentation and so on. Usually, the person has the schedule or deadline for the work to be submitted. However, he only does the easiest task first before stop doing the difficult one. As he does the easiest task, he thinks that he can complete the task. Thus, create the secure feeling that he can finish the work. As time goes by, and the deadline is just around the corner, he starts to feel the pressure and cause anxiety. He does the work in a rush and skips the important routine such as sleep or eats just to finish the work.
The procrastinators typically prioritize something that they enjoy doing rather than doing something that they do not like. For instance, when a person has important task to do and he thinks that he has more time to complete the task, he will choose to do the task later and enjoy himself doing something joyful such as playing video games, watching movies or television programmes. All these entertainment elements contribute to the procrastinator to escape from doing the task. Choosing the short-term over the long-term beneficial will lead to depression afterwards.
Procrastination as poor judgement
The ways of procrastination and the characteristics of procrastination are linked to each other. From the 3 ways given, mostly it is all about making a decision for themselves. It may or may not that the procrastinator is conscious of what he has chosen to do. Most of the cases, they know the consequence if they did not finish the task. The feelings such as anxiety and guilty will overwhelmed them. However, they ignore these feelings by choosing one or more of the ways of procrastination.
Procrastination as being engrossed
In the modern world, there are many entertainment elements, for instance, computers, televisions, mobile phones and cinemas were invented. These are the main contribution to the procrastination. As the procrastinators are a poor judgement, they tend to be engrossed by these elements in making the decision. Lacking of self-control makes the procrastinators let themselves to be engrossed.
Procrastination as a phobia
In some cases, there is a person which fear of the task given. The factors that contribute to this matter are like believe that the task given cannot be done, irritate with the task, and experience terrible moment from the past regarding the task. These somehow create a phobic feeling towards the task.
Procrastination as a bad habit
When the action of procrastination is done reoccurring, the action will become a habit. This bad habit not only affected one’s self but also others especially when the task given involved with cooperation with others. In addition, the habitual action usually done by unconscious mind as the mind automatically set to do it. Thus, the effort to overcome it will become more difficult.
Procrastination as a sign
There is a speculation that procrastination could be a psychological disorder. Procrastination could be the sign or symptom of a psychological disorder such as depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer and other memory loss disorder.
This is the example of video that related to procrastination:
Have the statement above crossed your daily conversation before? Well, i did when i was chatting with my friend. She said something and put that statement at the end of her sentence. Actually, 'no pun intended' mean, based on the websites that i searched is when you said something that have double meaning or joke that you did not intend to make it. For example, a guy with one hand is in the supermarket, he keeps dropping a bag of oranges, a woman comes up to him and says.."need a hand ? " she says no pun intended ( meaning she's not joking about his lost limb ). Hope, i can make the meaning clear to you.. :)
In my English Class during SPM, there was international online conference held to discuss about Environment. Besides joining the forum, students can also create stories and poems about the Environment. This is the poem that i composed for the online conference:
Changes after changes we going through, Some changes lead us to greatness, And some changes lead us to sadness, But this changes suffered many lives, Its creeping slowly and cause misery life.
From white forests to black forests, From freezing sea to moving sea, From calm ocean to aggressive ocean, From fresh air to smoky air, All these are misery of silence changes.
Day after day sea swallow our lands, Time after time our day become dull and dull, When our heart melting we are happy, But when a purity ice on north pole melting, are we happy?
The atmosphere become more thin, Its all because of human being, We did not realize what we are doing, And at last, we feel the suffering.
During my holiday to Thailand last year, I saw a signboard in Khao Pra Taew Forest. Here is the picture of the signboard:
The English instruction in that signboard gives a mistranslation to the reader because it does not make any sense. For example, it says 'Approach to Relax'. Relax cannot be approached. It should be 'Relax' or 'Remember to relax' or 'Relax in Nature' or anything that make sense to the reader.
Other than that, it says 'Love to Note' which is right but not appropriate. It should be 'Take a Note' or 'Notice Nature' or anything that reader think is appropriate.