Monday, March 21, 2011


Yes! i know almost everyone experience this...Procrastination is not uncommon word for people at any age..From children to adult..we always experience procrastination when we deal with our everyday tasks. That is why it becomes my group choice of topic for presentation in Counseling class last semester.

What is Procrastination?

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, procrastination is the act to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually because you do not want to do it.


Skipping it

Procrastinators always delay the work that they have to do until they are skipping it. For example, when the room of a person is untidy, the person does not consider the importance to have a tidy room. Therefore, he tends to delay the clean task until he misses the time when he should do the clean task. However, he reassures himself that he can do it the next day and the things keep going on for the next day and after.

Doing it last

This is the way of procrastination for the compulsory task such as homework, assignments, projects, presentation and so on. Usually, the person has the schedule or deadline for the work to be submitted. However, he only does the easiest task first before stop doing the difficult one. As he does the easiest task, he thinks that he can complete the task. Thus, create the secure feeling that he can finish the work. As time goes by, and the deadline is just around the corner, he starts to feel the pressure and cause anxiety. He does the work in a rush and skips the important routine such as sleep or eats just to finish the work.


The procrastinators typically prioritize something that they enjoy doing rather than doing something that they do not like. For instance, when a person has important task to do and he thinks that he has more time to complete the task, he will choose to do the task later and enjoy himself doing something joyful such as playing video games, watching movies or television programmes. All these entertainment elements contribute to the procrastinator to escape from doing the task. Choosing the short-term over the long-term beneficial will lead to depression afterwards.


Procrastination as poor judgement

The ways of procrastination and the characteristics of procrastination are linked to each other. From the 3 ways given, mostly it is all about making a decision for themselves. It may or may not that the procrastinator is conscious of what he has chosen to do. Most of the cases, they know the consequence if they did not finish the task. The feelings such as anxiety and guilty will overwhelmed them. However, they ignore these feelings by choosing one or more of the ways of procrastination.

Procrastination as being engrossed

In the modern world, there are many entertainment elements, for instance, computers, televisions, mobile phones and cinemas were invented. These are the main contribution to the procrastination. As the procrastinators are a poor judgement, they tend to be engrossed by these elements in making the decision. Lacking of self-control makes the procrastinators let themselves to be engrossed.

Procrastination as a phobia

In some cases, there is a person which fear of the task given. The factors that contribute to this matter are like believe that the task given cannot be done, irritate with the task, and experience terrible moment from the past regarding the task. These somehow create a phobic feeling towards the task.

Procrastination as a bad habit

When the action of procrastination is done reoccurring, the action will become a habit. This bad habit not only affected one’s self but also others especially when the task given involved with cooperation with others. In addition, the habitual action usually done by unconscious mind as the mind automatically set to do it. Thus, the effort to overcome it will become more difficult.

Procrastination as a sign

There is a speculation that procrastination could be a psychological disorder. Procrastination could be the sign or symptom of a psychological disorder such as depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer and other memory loss disorder.

This is the example of video that related to procrastination:

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